sons&lovers books

Sons&Lovers is a used bookstore based out of Vancouver, B.C.

Month: July, 2013

by Robyn P. Yager

Paperback Writer

by Robyn P. Yager

Upon finishing Animal Farm, which was as depressing as it was fascinating – I came across this documentary over at Brain Pickings where I spend large portions of my time which should be spent elsewhere (reading).

“Originally shown by the BBC, this short documentary looks at the aesthetic beauty of books, derived from their cover designs and artwork, particularly those from the Penguin range.

It also features a look at the diverse range of covers for George Orwell’s ‘1984’, and an interview with David Pelham, discussing his now iconic design for ‘A Clockwork Orange’.” (via Vimeo)

The Beauty of Books: Part 4 – Paperback Writer from The BDB on Vimeo.


by Robyn P. Yager